Book presentation at CERN

Friday, 3 November 2023 at 16:30-18:00:
Advances in Cosmology by Marilena Streit-Bianchi, Paola Catapano, Cristiano Galbiati, Magnani, Enrico (eds.)


On the occasion of the 2023 Dark Matter Day, editors and authors will present their book “Advances in Cosmology” at the newly renovated CERN Library.

“This book outlines the latest research on modern cosmology and related topics from world-class experts. Through it, readers will learn how multi-disciplinary approaches and technologies are used to search the unknown and how we arrived at the knowledge used and assumptions made by cosmologists today. This multi-disciplinary book will appeal to anyone with an interest in the fields of Astronomy, Cosmology or Physics.”

Michel Mayor, Nobel Prize Laureate for Physics in 2019, and Debora Pinna from CMS experiment will be present for the presentation. The event will be moderated by Paola Catapano and will be accompanied by an exhibition of the works of art of Enrico Magnani and followed by Q&A and signing sessions.

The 109th National Congress of the ITALIAN PHYSICS SOCIETY

11 to 15 September 2023
Physics Department of the University of Salerno (Fisciano)
Salerno, Italy

Nuove sfide e opportunità legate alla digitalizzazione per la didattica della fisica.
Comunicazione di
Streit-Bianchi M., Bonivento W., Michelini M., Tuveri M.
9 September 2023

109th National Congress (

The book New Challenges and Opportunities in Physics Education by the editors Marilena Streit-Bianchi, Marisa Michelini, Walter Bonivento and Matteo Tuveri is in print and will be published by Springer Nature at end of October 2023. 
For more information see:
New Challenges and Opportunities in Physics Education | SpringerLink


Semana das Ciencias do IES de Sar
13 de marzo – 17 de marzo 2023
IES de Sar

Santiago De Compostela (A Coruña)

En el margen de la Semana das Ciencias el IES de Sar presenta la
Exposición “Ciencia ex Aequo” de Margarita Cimadevila
en el corredor de la planta baja

Además el jueves 16 de marzo a las 12:50 h
Margarita Cimadevila va a dar una conferencia titulada
en el Salon de Actos del Instituto

Para más información:
Programa de la Semana das Ciencias (145 kB)

Book Review: Mare Plasticum – The Plastic Sea

Read here a Book Review on:

“Mare Plasticum – The Plastic Sea: Combatting Plastic Pollution Through Science and Art”
Streit‑Bianchi M, Cimadevila M, Trettnak W (Eds) Springer Nature Publishing

Christian T. K.‑H. Stadtländer

Environmental Processes (2022) 9:54

Link for PDF-Download (800 kB) with the kind permission of Springer Publishing

Advances In Cosmology – A journey through Science Philosophy and Art

European Southern Observatory

24 November 2022
11:00, Atenea room | ESO Santiago
Joint ESO/JAO Colloquium

Talk — Advances In Cosmology – A journey through Science Philosophy and Art

Marilena Streit-Bianchi (CERN, ARSCIENCIA)

For more information on see ESO – Seminars and Colloquia at ESO Santiago

Advances in Cosmology

Science – Art – Philosophy

Book edited by
Marilena Streit-Bianchi, Paola Catapano, 
Cristiano Galbiati, Enrico Magnani

Published by
© 2022 Springer Nature Switzerland AG
ISBN: 978-3-031-05624-6

Cosmology’s journey to the present day has been a long one. This book outlines the latest research on modern cosmology and related topics from world-class experts …

Marilena Streit-Bianchi is vice-president of ARSCIENCIA!

Click here for more information!

108° Congresso Nazionale SIF

108° Congresso Nazionale della SOCIETÀ ITALIANA DI FISICA (SIF)
12 al 16 settembre 2022
Dipartimento di Fisica dell’Università, Via Celoria 16, Milano

Cosmologia: Scienza, Arte e Filosofia un dialogo fruttuoso.
Communicazione di
Streit-Bianchi Marilena, Catapano Paola, Galbiati Cristiano, Magnani Enrico
Giovedì 15 settembre 2020 09:00 – 13:00