There are several major threats to the oceans and all the marine organisms living therein. All of them are of human origin and among them are:
- Overfishing and overexploitation
- The pollution of the oceans
- The global climate change
- Alien species invading new ecosystems
A particular and very serious form of human impact consists in the pollution of the seas by plastic debris, which can be found in all oceans from the arctic to the antarctic, from all coasts to the bottom of the sea.
The exhibition “PLASTIC FISHES” is addressing this topic in an artistic way and at the same time it tries to give some scientific background, since short scientific informations are accompanying most of the works and give details on the various aspects related with marine plastic debris. The exhibition consists of paintings, mobiles and comics. The latter were considered as the most suitable and attractive form to address children and to make them aware of the potential dangers of marine plastic debris.
The technique used in the paintings is a mixed one and a variety of materials has been used on the canvases: plastic debris found in the beaches of Galicia (fishing nets, pots and lines, ropes, toys, containers, bottles …), plastic bags from the shops and supermarkets, acrylics, hot-melt adhesive, spray paint and others. A “fish mobile” was created on the basis of empty plastic water bottles and wire. The comics can be imprinted as a large poster.
Not all of the works are dealing with plastic rubbish, some of them are dedicated to overfishing too, which is the most drastic form of human impact. It is the aim of this exhibition to contribute to maintain the oceans biodiversity and to keep intact this fascinating part of our world.
The exhibition “PLASTIC FISHES” has been created in Galicia by Wolfgang Trettnak in partial collaboration with Margarita Cimadevila. It is dedicated to the marine life and environment, and tries to combine art and science.
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