The objective of InvestigArte is to bring scientific investigation and its importance closer to society by utilizing means such as the visual media (photography, illustration, video etc.). For this purpose a competition was initiated for the first time in 2012/2013, which should make visible the relations between science, technology and art. A main focus was laid on the dissemination of the scientific achievements. Now the call of the second competition of InvestigArte is open to the public!
Modalities of the competition
There exist 3 independent modalities in InvestigArte, which are based on the profile of the author of the submitted work.
- RESEARCH – Professional scientists
- EDUCATION – Pupils/students of secondary education, undergraduate studies and vocational education
- EDUCATION (Prize of ARSCIENCIA) – Teachers/professors of secondary education, undergraduate studies and vocational education
Basics for the participation for the Prize of ARSCIENCIA
1. Participants
Any person of full age, who is attached to teaching, can participate. The participation in the competition implies the acceptance of the subsequent basics as well as the acceptance of the decisions made by the organization.
2. Topics
The topic of the competition is to show the relations between science, technology and art and their teaching through any kind of activity, which can be realized in a particular way or in combination with the environment or center of work (theatre performances, music performances, exhibitions, paintings, outdoor activities …).
What will be evaluated?
- The activity should be aimed at the dissemination and propagation of the relations between science and art.
- The originality and innovative aspect of the proposed activity.
- The activity should address the pupils and especially their motivation to realize own works, in which they can show their vision on science, technology and art (these pupils have the possibility to present themselves in the competition of InvestigArte in their own section).
3. Time frame for application
The works can be submitted from 2nd of December 2013 until 3rd of March 2014 (final day of submission).
4. Categories
There is only one category for the prize of ARSCIENCIA.
The works or activities can be presented in the following formats:
- Video
- Powerpoint file
The videos should be submitted in AVI format and their duration should not exceed one minute.
PDF and Powerpoint archives should not exceed 10 pages in content.
5. Prizes
Two prizes will be handed to the winners:
- A painting of the series “Electronic fishes” of the artist Wolfgang Trettnak (size ca. 30 x 40 cm) + free participation in the international course “Science & Art: so different, so similar” (a Comenius/Grundtvig course of the European Union).
- A painting of the series “Science & Shells” of the artist Margarita Cimadevila (size ca. 30 x 40 cm) + free participation in the international course “Science & Art: so different, so similar” (a Comenius/Grundtvig course of the European Union).
Note: The winners will receive a free place in the above-mentioned course (value: 690 €) to participate and to present their work to the other participating teachers from all over Europe. The one-week course will take place in Santiago de Compostela. More information on the upcoming course in April 2014 can be found here. However, winners will participate in a subsequent future course.
6. More Information and Participation
In case of questions you may contact: or
Please, submit your contribution here:
Unfortunately, at the moment the form is available in Spanish and Galician language only.
THE WINNERS 2013/2014
The jury of the competition 2013/2014 did a hard job, since there where many contributions from researchers, pupils, students and teachers of high quality in all categories. However, here is the final list of all of the winners:
InvestigArte Winners 2013/2014
In the category EDUCATION – Teachers/professors of secondary education, undergraduate studies and vocational education) for the Prize of ARSCIENCIA the winning contributions are:
- “Science and art” from Olga Sheremet (Zolitude Grammar School, Riga, Latvia) and
- “Stop Motion Animation in the school” from Darko Taleski (OOU Cyril and Methodius, Prilep, Macedonia)
Sincere congratulations to both of them!
The prizes for the two winners will be a free participation in the international course “Science & Art: so different, so similar”(a Comenius/Grundtvig course of the European Union) (an one-week course, which will take place in Santiago de Compostela; value: 690 €) for each one and the paintings
- “Science and shells (I)” (series “Science & Shells”) of the artist Margarita Cimadevila (size 30 x 40 cm), which will go to Olga Sheremet
- and “Beryx bionicus” (series “Electronic fishes”) of the artist Wolfgang Trettnak (size 30 x 40 cm), which will go to Darko Taleski:
However, ARSCIENCIA would also like to thank very much all of the other participants for their contributions!
The next competition of InvestigArte and the Prize of ARSCIENCIA is foreseen for 2014/2015, and, once again, we hope for numerous submissions!
Here is a photo of Olga Sheremet with her students and the painting of Cimadevila: