5th session: 5 to 11 July 2015 (cancelled!)*

 6th session: 3 to 9 of July 2016 (cancelled!)*

A Coruña, Galicia, Spain

* NOTE: We are very sorry to inform you that the 5th and 6th session of the Course had to be cancelled for organizational reasons, which are out of our reach!

The High School URBANO LUGRIS (A Coruña) is organizing the 5th session of the Course on Science and Art “SCIENCE & ART: SO DIFFERENT, SO SIMILAR!” in collaboration with ARSCIENCIA and – for the first time – with the National Museum of Science and Technology of Spain (MUNCYT) in A Coruña, where the course will take place!!!

The new museum building offers all modern facilities, is located at the seaside and provides a phantastic view from its installations.

The course has been published so far on the Comenius-Grundtvig Database with the reference number: ES-2013-353-002. Since this catalog officially has expired, more details and latest information on the course can be obtained here:


The course is also registered in the new ERASMUS + COURSE CATALOGUE at the SCHOOL EDUCATION GATEWAY.

In addition we are pleased to announce that the famous Art & Science writer Arthur I. Miller will give us the honor to make the official presentation in Spain of his new book  “Colliding worlds” in the frame of the course, which will be made possible through the collaboration between ARSCIENCIA and the MUNCYT.

The course  “SCIENCE & ART: SO DIFFERENT, SO SIMILAR!” is cited in this book in the following way:

“A number of summer schools in artsci are emerging. The Spanish artist Margarita Cimadevila runs a highly successful summer school in scenic Santiago de Compostela, which she calls “Science & Art: so different, so similar!”. The attendees are mostly high school teachers from Central Europe who return and integrate artsci into their curricula.”

Colliding Worlds – How Cutting-Edge Science is Redefining Contemporary Art (pg. 346)

Arthur I. Miller

If you  are interested in participating in the course, please contact:

You may already pre-register here by filling the corresponding document and sending it to the e-mail address above:

Document for registration to the Course 2015 (5 – 11 July 2015) (cancelled!)*

Document for registration to the Course 2016 (3 – 9 July 2016)  (cancelled!)*

* NOTE: We are very sorry to inform you that the 5th and 6th session of the Course had to be cancelled for organizational reasons, which are out of our reach!



Book Colliding Worlds – How Cutting-Edge Science is Redefining Contemporary Art” by Arthur I. Miller

Magazine  PAPeles europeos nº 5/6 from the Spanish National Agency OAPEE (Organismo Autónomo Programas Educativos Europeos)

2 thoughts on “THE SCIENCE & ART COURSE 2015/2016”

  1. Hola!

    Quisiera apuntarme al curso de verano pero recien en el 2017, porque quiero aprovechar las becas de Erasmus Plus. Como puedo hacerlo? Es posible?

    saludos desde Polonia

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