ARSCIENCIA is collaborating in the MAIL ART project:
This funny and beautiful project was initiated by QAGI – Quantum Art Group International and its coordinator Roberto Denti (Milan, Italy) (Click here for a short project description!).
ARSCIENCIA already has invited all participants of the past and upcoming Comenius-Grundtvig courses “Science & Art: So different, so similar!” to participate in this project with their pupils and students in the schools.
If YOU would like to participate in this project, please, proceed as described below:
- Download the PDF-file with the pre-printed MAIL ART POSTCARDS!
- Print the file on A4 paper of good quality (cardboard, strong paper – depending on your printer)!
- Cut the A4 sheets along the marked lines, one A4 sheet will provide 4 post cards.
- Use the front side of the post card, which is blank, for your artwork (drawing, painting, gluing materials, computer printout etc.).
- The topic of the artwork should comprise: peace, science, art, cooperation, communication …
- Add your name or the name and stamp of your school/institution, the name of the student and the teacher and …, if you would like, some words about peace.
- On the backside is already imprinted the address of Roberto Denti, to which you have to send the post cards.
- Please, don’t forget to put postage stamps on the post cards, before sending them to Italy!
- Please, if possible, do also send a scanned copy of the post cards by e-mail to:
Please, do also advert other people or institutions, who might be interested, to participate in the project. The post cards received by QAGI will be shown in periodic exhibitions in Italy and, most likely, in other countries too.
Margarita Cimadevila